Monday, November 25, 2013

Google Chat sound notifications

I realized one fine morning that I was not getting sound notifications for incoming messages on Google Chat (the classic one within Gmail). I had the sound notifications set ON in settings, and my speakers were working. After some googling, one forum post suggested to clear the cache. The solution was offered for the same problem in the Chat app for Android. It made no sense to me - what could the cache have to do with sound. Having nothing to lose, I tried it and voila - sound notifications were working again!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Eclipse nightmare solved (kind of)

I got tired of EGit while working with Android projects. Each time I tried to pull from the GitHub repository, it failed to recognize the project. I am currently using the official GitHub tool for Windows and don't have problems anymore.

Learning languages vs learning frameworks

I had a brief argument with +Lavanya Viswanathan  about whether learning languages is easier compared to learning frameworks. My opinion was that learning frameworks is harder:

For e.g. I had a harder time learning .NET Framework compared to C#. I also had a harder time learning Rails compared to Ruby.

This might be because while I have been used to similar languages like C++  and Python, I have never really been exposed to frameworks which are similar.

My two cents.


+Lavanya Viswanathan  has made it clear that she was neither for nor against either notion. :P

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Eclipse nightmare

I was working on an app for my Mobiles Apps and Services class and accidentally permanently deleted my entire project. Luckily, we were using GitHub for versioning and I pulled the latest version.

For some reason, Eclipse was not able to detect the project description file in the project. I kept getting an error message that said "this compilation unit is not in your build path". To make things worse, even Google couldn't help me. Nobody seemed to understand the problem and none of the solutions worked.

I ended up downloading the zip from GitHub and importing the Android project from existing source code. I still have to link to the GitHub repo but at least I am able to run the damn thing!

Happy Deepavali to everyone!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Changed my template


I initially had the Dynamic template and faced so many annoying problems, I thought the problem was with Blogger (well, it was with Blogger!). But, a simple Google search revealed that the Dynamic template is known to cause issues. Just check out the number of users who faced issues with the Dynamic template in this link.

It is amazing that a buggy template is one of the default options for Blogger! It is a shame, because that was the only template that I really liked. Now, I will have to settle for second best (Awesome Inc. it is called - wonder who comes up with these names!) . Oh well!

Edit: This template works perfectly well, so maybe that makes Awesome Inc. the best after all!


My very first post and why a question mark for the title you ask? I have no idea why I started this blog - there is no clear motive; I haven't even thought about what this blog is going to be. I don't even know how long I am going to blog. This is not my first blog by the way - I have done blogging before, but then it was not purely for recreational purposes. Now, I seem to have things to say but not anybody in particular to say it to. Maybe this is a good way to store my thoughts, like the Pensieve in Harry Potter:

The three question marks in the picture which is supposed to be the symbol of The Riddler by the way, also remind me of a novel series which I used to love as a kid - The Three Investigators. The three question marks are part of their business card - As this page reminds me, they stand for questions unanswered, riddles unsolved, and mysteries unexplained.

That was a nice trip down the memory lane.

Here are things I learnt while making this post:
  1. The 'p' in Pensieve is supposed to be capitalized.
  2. When you try to find images that have been tagged "free to use or share" in Advanced Image Search, you don't really have too many good options - hence the lame-ish pictures.\
  3. You can't wrap text around images in Blogger (at least there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to do so).

That's a decent start for a blog. I need to get back to work. Until next time!